Optimization of Waste Separation
Organizational information
This recycling lxicon is intended as a guide for waste separation and disposal. It shows which bin all recycling material and waste should be placed in. The list is sorted alphabetically. Ech bin is identified by a combined colour/logo code. The colour indicates a specific disposal route. The stickers on the presorting bins, the swap containers, and the container compactors are all the same colour.
Yellow sack (Gelber Sack)
Paper recycling bin (Papierkorb)
Gray Bin (Graue Tonne
All items with a white filed are recycled separately.
This list is not exhasutive. If you do not find the item you are looking for, please contact the Department of Environmental Protection. if you need to dispose a large quantity of waste, such as for a move ir a large-scale cleanup operation, you should contact us beforehand. Toxic waste is not included in the list. Departments, which regularly dispose toxic waste have appointed one or more assigned persons, who are in cahrge of waste disposal. These waste representatives may be consulted directly at your workplace and are in possession od all necessary forms and recycling bins.
Electronic scrap metal is picked up at regular intervals with prior notification. All electronic devices you wish to dispose of must be removed from the inventory beforehand. To do this, contact Department 2.1 of the Central University Administtration, which will then automatically notify the Department of Environmental Protection. You will be informed in advance as to the date of the pickup. devices which have been removed from the inventory can be registered at the Department of Environmental Protection (kontakt@umweltschutz.uni-freiburg.de ) All devices must be free o liquids such as motor oil, acids, bases or solvents.
Refrigerators and freezers are picked up seperately directly at the department. These collections also occur regularly with prior notification. It may also be necessary to remove refrigerator or freezers from the inventory.