Sie sind hier: Startseite Disposal Of Dangerous … Dangerous Wastes 2.12b 170204

2.12b 170204


Glass, plastic and wood containing or contaminated by dangerous substances

Waste package label  

170204    6.gif


Included are:

Contaminated broken glass, closed contaminated small glass containers

Excluded are:

Partly filled or open containers,
scalpels, syringes, cannulas, needles, pipettes and other pointed objects, which imperatively have to be disposed of in puncture-proof small containers as waste type 150202.

Parameters to be complied with:

Residual quantity maximal < 1 % of the rated volume!!
Size < 1 l or 1 kg
The corresponding dangerous substance label must be applied!

Permitted packaging:

15 l CLICK-PACK, refillable container (CP015W)     Picture
Interior lining for CLICK-PACK, transparent (SA025N)

Small quantities wrapped in plastic bags or plastic containers can be delivered directly to ZSL during the normal opening hours.