Sie sind hier: Startseite Disposal Of Dangerous … Dangerous Wastes 2.12 150202

2.12 150202


contaminated by dangerous substances

(Contaminated resources)

 Waste package label

 Aufsaug_Filtermat_chem-verunreinigt_150202.jpg    6.gif 


Included are:

Contaminated protective gloves and protective clothing, spent silica gel and aluminum oxide, binding agents for chemicals, contaminated wiping cloths, gels, contaminated activated charcoal, plastic pipette tips and working materials, contaminated small packs.
In addition, scalpels, syringes, cannulas, needles, pipettes and other pointed objects, provided that they are packed separately in puncture-proof small bundles.

Excluded are:

Large packs, working materials that are not contaminated, oil-contaminated resources, broken glass,
resources contaminated with carcinogenic substances,
resources contaminated with cytostatic drugs.
Please inquire for information on the disposal of resources contaminated with carcinogenic substances or cytostatic drugs!

Parameters to be complied with for contaminated small packs:

Residual quantity maximal < 1 % of the rated volume!!
Size < 1 l or 1 kg
The corresponding dangerous substance label must be applied!

Permitted packaging:

25 l CLICK-PACK, refillable containers (CP025W)     Picture
Interior lining for CLICK-PACK, transparent (SA025N)

Small quantities can be packed in plastic bags or plastic containers and delivered directly to ZSL.