Sie sind hier: Startseite Disposal Of Dangerous … Dangerous Wastes 2.14 160508

2.14 160508



For laboratory chemical wastes, it is generally required to hand in a list specifying the exact designations and quantities.

Use the Excel file available under the heading U"Current Standard Forms"U to establish this list.

ou only have to fill in the colums A, B and J on the form  under the heading "Sonstiges". We also accept


handwritten lists.

Send the completed file per e-mail or fax to the Department of Environmental Protection. After the list has been reviewed, you will be informed how transportation of the chemicals is to be organized.

Institutes which are in walking distance to the ZSL can deliver their laboratory wastes - at an appointed time - separated into vats and by an appropriate hand wagon.  
For packaging, special vats are available that will be provided as a loan. These vats are available in 3 sizes and are to be used for transportation only, they are not to be used for interim storage or collection over a longer period of time.
The suitable size and the required number of vats will be arranged with you after we have reviewed the lists of chemicals as to the packing criteria and the interdictions for loading together.

For institues which are futher away, it will be evaluated on the basis of the filled-in list if a local company instructed by the Department of Environmental Protection can arrange the disposal or if it is possible to transport the subsances to the ZSL by company car.

The completely filled-in list mentioned above is only need for the transport by company car as an appendix to the documents of transport.

Smaller quantities of laboratory chemicals can be delivered directly to ZSL, however fracture-proof external containers have to be used for transport. A list according to the specification above is also required here and has to be provided when delivering; we also recommend to schedule an appointment by telephone.

If larger quantities of laboratory chemicals or overaged and expired stocks have to be disposed of, an appointment on site can be made any time. One of our employees will see you, classify the chemicals on stock and advise you on the required preparations and procedure for pickup.